
Myers Cocktail

The gold standard of IV hydaration therapy, this blend of B vitamins, Vitamin C, Magnesium and Calcium all work in combination to increase metabolism, replace electrolytes lost by dehydration and facilitate enzymatic reactions in intracellular processes. This will revitalize, enhance relaxation, promote recovery, and reduce blood pressure and stress, 

Beauty /Youth

Provides essential nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins that support our hormone pathways, reduce oxidative stress, and nourish the body to produce fatty acids preventing premature and visible skin ageing. 


Whether you had a late night out, or just need to jumpstart your new health journey, this blend contains essential vitamins and minerals to combat dehydration and reduce oxidative stress on the liver, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems by assisting in detoxification of the body. It also reduces nausea, which is also conducive to recovery. 


This blend contains Zinc to block viral replication and assists cells mediating immunity. It provides Vitamin C to boost lymphocyte and phagocyte production and acts as a powerful antioxidant which protects cells and assists in healing. 

Lactated Ringers

This is our simplest blend, but don't let it's simplicity fool you. It provides instant hydration and electrolytes. This is great for recovery after hard workouts or for beating the Oklahoma summer heat.